LettPay’s Pledge to Help Cancer Research UK- June Update

It has been an exceptionally busy few weeks for everyone here at LettsPay. Even so, we have still managed to keep our promise of completing a challenge every month. This month we have even recruited family members to join in. 

For those of you who follow Cancer Research UK, you will have seen that this month the challenge was to walk 60 miles with your dog. Garrett decided to take this challenge on with our office dog, Alfie. Often his 4 year old son, Jake, will also join him on their morning walks. Although he had a slow start due to some other commitments, he has caught up and is on track for the 60 miles. Alfie on the other hand has already smashed the target and I’m sure Jake isn’t too far behind him as they both also walk with their neighbour on a Friday as well. 

As mentioned previously, this challenge has become a real family affair. Garrett’s father-in-law, Neale, has taken this challenge by storm. Not only is he walking his dog, Biddie, twice every day, he has also set himself an additional challenge of completing an hour every day on the cross trainer. This is no mean feat for an overweight 60 something year old man who, by his own admission, enjoys an easier life these days. Despite this though, he has tackled it head on and is now working out on the cross trainer for an hour at a time. At the beginning he was only able to manage 15 minutes so was doing this 4 times a day until he reached his target. An added bonus is that he is now feeling so much fitter and is able to bowl for far longer and without aching, for his 15 year old Grandson when he is practicing his cricket skills.

These challenges are set to continue for the remainder of the year. Next month we will be hosting a trampoline bounce-a-thon. This comprise of teams of people ensuring that there is always someone bouncing on a trampoline for a 3 hour stint. Due to COVID restrictions, the teams will of course have to be small and participating in different gardens. 

With Garrett’s 3rd baby on the way, will also be organising a sweepstake where people can guess the birth date, weight and gender of the baby. Some of our team will be setting up honesty shops using the produce from their gardens over the next few months. As we head back into the winter months, another quiz will certainly be on the cards and maybe a sponsored walk over the Malvern Hills. 

However, due to COVID restrictions we are just taking our challenging one month at a time and seeing what is suitable at the time. 

Thank you all for your continued support. If you wish to make a small donation to this wonderful charity, please follow the link below. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.



nurtur.group completes its first investment through the accelerator programme - LettsPay


LettPay’s Pledge to Help Cancer Research UK- May Update