LettPay’s Pledge to Help Cancer Research UK-January Update

How are we already two weeks into 2021? Well it has been action packed for the LettsPay team. Come rain, snow or shine, we are clocking up the miles. I would love to say that we are beating our personal bests, but it would seem that most of us are getting slower. Whether that is a sign of old age, a fitness issue, or short legs, it matters very little as we are all on track for the 31 miles and how we get there, doesn’t really matter. 

There have been some impropute jogs across muddy common land in jeans and wellies  - not a comfortable mile, but if nothing else, it gave any onlookers a good laugh. With the recent cold spell, there have been a few more bambi moments, and many frozen noses. Amy has even done laps of the garden, whilst the children play outside, to complete a mile. Brendan, who has previously completed a marathon without training, will no doubt put us all to shame and run a leisurely 31 miles in one day -  if he ever has a day off from coding that is.   

Most importantly, Alfie (the office dog) is now fit enough to join in the challenge and is happily running alongside Garrett during his early morning jog.

We are all doing our bit to try to raise money for cancer research. We will be continuing our challenges during February and the rest of 2021.

If you have an idea for us, please email amy@lettspay.co.uk

Any donations will be greatly appreciated. Find out more about LettsPay’s challenges at https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/lettspays-12-challenges-in-2021?feed=48dd80d8-bba2-4a9c-85f6-ea6a3d538610


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LettPay’s Pledge to Help Cancer Research UK